Occupational pension fund

Occupational Pension Fund
"DallBogg: Life and Health"

Who is covered by the Occupational Pension Fund?


Persons working under the conditions of the first or second category of work and obliged to be insured in an professional pension fund shall be insured in the Occupational Pension Fund under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure of the SIC (Social Insurance Code).


Persons working in the first and second categories of work are described in the Ordinance on the categorisation of work at retirement. The insurance in the Occupational Pension Fund is made on a capital-based principle. The amount of contributions is defined in the SIC as a percentage of the insurance income and is borne by the employer, which is determined according to the category of work as follows:


  • 12 per cent – for persons working in category I
  • 7 per cent – for persons working in category II.

Rights of insured persons


Insurance in the Occupational Pension Fund entitles to:


A temporary occupational pension for early retirement for people working in the first and second category of work;


One-off or deferred payment of up to 50 per cent of the funds accumulated in the individual account in the event of permanently reduced working capacity of more than 89.99 per cent;


One-off or deferred payment of the funds in the individual account of an insured person who has been granted a retirement pension under Part I of the SIC or has reached the age referred to in Article 68(3) of the SIC and has not acquired the right to an occupational early retirement pension;


Transfer of the funds in the individual account to the UPF or VPF where a retirement pension has been granted under the terms of Part I of the SIC or the person has reached the age referred to in Article 68(3) of the SOC and has not acquired the right to an early retirement pension;


One-off sum or deferred payment to the heirs of a deceased insured person or pensioner.

What does the amount of the supplementary life pension depend on?


The amount of the occupational early retirement pension depends on:


  • the funds accumulated in the individual account;
  • the technical interest rate at the date the pension is granted, approved by the Financial Supervision Authority;
  • the period of receipt of the pension, in years and months, until reaching the age referred to in Article 68(1)(a). The person shall have the following

Fees and deductions


In the management of the Оccupational pension fund, the fees and deductions in favor of DallBogg: Life and Health are as follows:


  • a deduction of 3.75 percent of each contribution as it is received into the occupational pension fund;
  • an investment charge calculated on the value of the net assets of the occupational pension fund, depending on the period during which they have been managed by the pension insurance company, at the rate of 0.75 per cent per annum;
  • a fee of BGN 10 for the transfer of the funds of the individual account from the Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health” to the pension schemes of the European Union, of the European Central Bank and of the European Investment Bank, in accordance with Article 343a, par. 343a(1)(2) and 343f of the SIC.


No amounts shall be deducted on funds transferred from an occupational pension fund managed by another pension insurance company.

Composition of the Board of Trustees of OPF “DallBogg: Life and Health”


Address for correspondence: One G.M. Dimitrov Blvd. 1172, Sofia, Tel. + 359 2 4026426, fax: + 359 2 9603703, e-mail: [email protected]


Mario Ninov – Chairman, Representative of CL Podkrepa
Address for correspondence: Sofia, 2 Angel Kanchev str., +359 885 396661
Ivaylo Stoyanov, Deputy Chairman, Representative of BCCI
Blagorodna Popstoyanova – Representative of CL Podkrepa
Krasimir Bogoev – Representative of the CITUB
Evgeni Uanev – Representative of the CITUB
Bistra Kovacheva – Representative of BICA
Vladimir Dimitrov – Representative of BIA
Irina Yordanova-Koleva – Representative of CEIB
Biser Georgiev Ivanov – Representative of “PAC DallBogg: Life and Health” EAD


CITUB – Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria
UPEE – Union for Private Economic Enterprise
CL Podkrepa – Confederation of Labour Podkrepa
BCCI – Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
CEIB – Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria
BICA – Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association
BIA – Bulgarian Industrial Association

Trustee Bank


United Bulgarian Bank



Regulations for the organization and activities of the PPF “DallBogg: Life and Health”
Application for change of participation and transfer of the accumulated amounts on the individual account to another relevant fund for additional compulsory pension insurance – PPF
Application for participation in “DallBogg: Life and Health” PPF
Request for withdrawal of application for change of participation / application for transfer – PPF
Basic information about the insured persons in the PPF “DallBogg: Life and Health” – initial membership
Basic information for insured persons in the DallBogg: Life and Health PPF – transfer
Contract for supplementary compulsory pension insurance in PPF “DallBogg: Life and Health”
Contract for deferred payment of funds in the individual account of the PPF “DallBogg: Life and Health”
Pension contract for payment of occupational pension for early retirement from PPF “DallBogg: Life and Health”
Procedure and time limits for receiving, handling and responding to complaints