How can I verify which universal and/or professional fund I am part of?

To verify in which supplementary compulsory pension insurance fund you are insured, please contact for assistance the National Revenue Agency /NRA/ by phone 0700 18 700 or on the website http://www.nap.bg, if you possess a personal identification code /PIC/.

How can I move from one supplementary pension insurance fund to another?

Each insured person may change his or her participation and transfer the accumulated amounts on his/her individual plan from one to another supplementary pension insurance fund by submitting a sample application to the pension assurance company managing the fund to which the person wishes to transfer.

You can find out the transfer terms by contacting us on phone 02/402 64 26 or visit our office.

How can I get a password to access my individual plan?

You can access your individual plan data by visiting our office and complete a user access data application. This will enable you to monitor the movement of your insurance payments online at any time through our website.

What is my pension insurance number in a fund managed by PAC DallBogg: Life and Health?

Each person insured in a universal, professional or voluntary pension fund possess an individual number. You could check what your pension insurance number is by visiting our office, by reviewing our annual statement or access your user profile through our website.

I changed my name and/or address. What should I do?

In case of a data change in your ID card, it is necessary to visit our office to fill in a Personal data application for access and use of electronic services.

How can I get an annual statement?

Every year, until May 31, PAC DallBogg: Life and Health sends statements to the insured persons with information about their individual plans. The documents are sent to their permanent address from their ID cards, or to e-mail address specified in the pension insurance contract.

If for some reason you have not received your annual statement, you will receive a copy free of charge at any time upon visiting our office.

What kind of information does the annual statement contain?

PAC DallBogg: Life and Health sends an annual statement for each fund separately. The content and the form of the statement are determined by the Financial Supervison Commission and generally contain the following:

  • The status of the invidual plan at the end of previous period
  • Movements of funds for the reporting period
  • The status of the individual plan at the end of the reporting period.

In the statement you can find information about the amount of deductions of the social security contributions, as well as other data.

I would like to receive my annual statement online, what should I do?

To receive your annual statement online, you should visit our office and complete an application to change the way how you receive your statement. Each year, by 31 May, we will send you a statement of the status of your individual plan in the respective pension fund to the provided e-mail address.

What does “share in a pension fund” mean, how is its value determined?

When you join the pension fund, your social security contributions are credited to your individual plan, which is kept in BGN and shares. Shares are proportionate equal parts of the net assets of the respective pension fund.

The change in the value of a share reflects the income from the assets management of a supplementary pension fund.

The main way to keep yourself informed about your funds investment performance is to monitor the change in the value of a single pension fund share.

If you do not find the answer to your questions here, please contact us or write us an email.