An interview of Maria Kouzmanova with Angel Terziev, CEO of “POD DallBogg: Life and Health”
The investment strategies of pension companies largely determine the long-term outcomes for the insured. What does your pension fund invest in?
Our focus is global financial markets, and investment decisions are based on deep analysis and strategic planning. Investments in financial instruments and blue-chip companies in three of the world’s most dynamic and promising markets – North America, Europe and Asia – expand growth opportunities and control risk by allocating assets across economic regions. Geographic, subject and currency diversification is guaranteed by law, ensuring a sustainable process and allowing us to deliver stable, long-term results for our investors.
The investment portfolio that we manage features high quality and transparency with a modern diversification strategy. The aim is to achieve sustainable growth and security for pensioners in their investments, without disguising investments in and lending to related companies or swapping investment packages under backroom arrangements.
Our ownership is crystal clear and the contents of our investment portfolio can be checked quarterly on the DallBogg: Life & Health Pensions website. The same check can be made on the website of any other pension company in Bulgaria and then everything will become clear.
As the youngest pension insurance company in Bulgaria, what results are you reporting?
Pension assurance fund DallBogg: Life and Health has achieved an annualised return for the last 24-month period of 9.36%. This yield for our selected insured persons exceeds the average 6.94% set by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) for universal pension funds (UPF). A similar return of 9.25% p.a. was recorded in the voluntary pension fund (VPPF) of DallBogg: Life and Health, which offers a reasonable option for investing saved funds – instead of interest-free bank deposits.
Our insured persons have peace of mind and confidence in their future because we comply with all requirements and standards imposed by European and Bulgarian legislation and regulatory authorities – all guarantees of transparency and reliability. We believe that a high degree of regulation is a key factor in protecting the interests of all customers and in the long-term stability of investments.
What advice would you give to young people for whom pensions seem distant and complicated?
I urge them to take an active interest in their financial future – because as we invest today, so will we live tomorrow! The first step is to find out which pension fund their money is allocated to for retirement, how much money they have accumulated, what returns they have achieved – it is a good idea to collect their account statements. It is important to know what the investment portfolio of their insurance company is – are they established global and Bulgarian companies with a solid financial foundation, proven business model and long-term growth potential? Do they include highly capitalised companies operating in key sectors such as technology, healthcare, energy and consumer goods, known for their sustainable performance and reliability?
DallBogg Pensions have launched a campaign to bring the opportunities offered by pensions to the attention of active working people. Our well-trained experts answer many questions daily, offer objective and professional analysis, and can provide the best possible solutions. Because sound decisions today for your financial well-being tomorrow are invariably based on forward-thinking investments in a transparent and forward-looking portfolio that meets the highest industry standards.
Special Reserve ____________________________
These results are not related to future performance and do not guarantee positive return. It is not guaranteed that the funds in the individual accounts at OPF „DallBogg: Life and Health“ will keep their full amount.
A description of the significance of the achieved rate of return and investment risk indicators
Nominal return – this is the return achieved on the management of a fund’s assets. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the value per unit of the fund valid for the last business day of the relevant year and the value per unit of the fund valid for the last business day of the previous year by the value per unit valid for the last business day of the previous year.
Standard Deviation – is a statistical measure of the dispersion of the values of a random quantity about its average or expected value. Standard deviation is accepted as one of the main indicators for measuring the risk of an investment portfolio.
Sharpe Ratio – an indicator that compares the returns achieved from managing an investment portfolio and the risk taken to achieve those returns.
The methodology for calculating the achieved nominal return and the level of investment risk is in accordance with Annex 15 of the „Regulation № 61/ 27.09.2018 of the FSC.
The investment policies of the funds managed by „PAC DallBogg: Life & Health“ are available on the Company’s website – https://dallbogg.bg, section „Investments“/ Rate of return and risk
A description of the significance of the achieved rate of return, the level of investment risk, the methodology for calculating and the investment policy of the fund are available on the Company’s website – https://dallbogg.bg, section „Investments“/ „Rate of return and risk“.
A comparison with the data can be made on the Financial Supervision Commission website (https://www.fsc.bg), section “Social Insurance activity”/ “Statistics”/ “Statistics and Analysis”/ 2023-2024