Rate of return and risk

Disclosure of achieved annual rate of return and level of investment risk


Supplementary Pension Fund Nominal rate of return and investment risk indicators for 2023 Geometric average return
Nominal rate of return Standard deviation Sharpe ratio
Voluntary pension fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ 9.34% 4.73% 1.30%
Occupational pension fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ 9.49% 3.96% 1.59%
Universal pension fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ 10.08% 4.76% 1.45%



Fund for making payments Rate of return and investment risk indicators for 2023 Geometric average return
Rate of return Standard deviation
Lifelong pensions payment fund „DallBogg: Life and Health” -0.36% 0.22%


PAC DallBogg: Life & Health provides data on achieved annual rate of return and investment risk for 2023, as this is the first full calendar year of fund management.


            A description of the significance of the achieved rate of return and investment risk indicators


Nominal return – this is the return achieved on the management of a fund’s assets. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the value per unit of the fund valid for the last business day of the relevant year and the value per unit of the fund valid for the last business day of the previous year by the value per unit valid for the last business day of the previous year.


Standard Deviation – is a statistical measure of the dispersion of the values of a random quantity about its average or expected value. Standard deviation is accepted as one of the main indicators for measuring the risk of an investment portfolio. It is used to measure the variability in the returns achieved from the management of a fund’s assets, as measured by the degree of day-to-day changes in the value of a fund’s shares. Higher values of standard deviation indicate a higher degree of volatility of the achieved return around its average or expected value and therefore a higher risk.


Sharpe Ratio – an indicator that compares the returns achieved from managing an investment portfolio and the risk taken to achieve those returns. Higher Sharpe Ratio values mean better investments. The Sharpe Ratio is only disclosed for returns in excess of the risk-free return as measured by the Euro Short-Term Rate index (ESTR).


The methodology for calculating the achieved nominal return and the level of investment risk of the supplementary pension funds is in accordance with Annex 15 of the Ordinance № 61/ 27.09.2018 of the FSC.


The methodology for calculating the achieved profitability and the level of investment risk of a fund for making payments is in accordance with Annex 15a of  Ordinance № 61/ 27.09.2018 of the FSC.


You can get acquainted with Ordinance № 61/ 27.09.2018 of the FSC by visiting the Financial Supervision Commission website – https://www.fsc.bg, section Insurance activity/ Regulations/ Ordinances


The investment policies of the supplementary pension funds managed by PAC DallBogg: Life and Health are available on the Company’s website – https://dallbogg.bg, section Investments.


The investment policy of the Lifelong pensions payment fund „DallBogg: Life and Health” is part of its Rules and is available here.


These results are not related to future performance and do not guarantee positive return. It is not guaranteed that the funds in the individual accounts at OPF DallBogg: Life and Health and VPF DallBogg: Life and Health will keep their full amount. A comparison with the data can be made on the Financial Supervision Commission website (https://www.fsc.bg).