26 Oct DallBogg: Life and Health received permission to manage Pension Funds – Universal, Professional and Voluntary
On 26.10.2021, with Decision № 787 – Uiversal Pension Fund, Decision № 788 – Professional Pension Fund and Decision № 789 – Voluntary Pension Fund, the Financial Supervision Commission issued a permit to Pension Company DallBogg: Life and Health Jsc to manage the Universal Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health”, Professional Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health” and Voluntary Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health”.
We are pleased to inform you that by issuing these decisions, the Supervisory Authority certifies that our Company and the funds managed by it meet all regulatory requirements for the activity of pension insurance in Bulgaria.
The newest Pension Insurance Company DallBogg: Life and Health Jsc welcomes everyone who wishes to become part of our family!