25 May Adjustment of the value of a share for 23.05.2022
According to Article 21a, paragraph 6 of Ordinance No. 9 of 19.11.2003. on the method and procedure for the valuation of the assets and liabilities of the pension insurance company and the funds managed by it, the value of the net assets of the funds, the calculation and announcement of the value of a share, the calculation and comparison of the yield on investment properties and the requirements for the maintenance of individual accounts and analytical accounts in a deferred payment fund, due to an error in determining the value of a share for 23.05.2022, the following corrections are made for the day of the error:
- The value of a share of the OPF „DallBogg Life and Health“ for 23.05.2022 is changed from 0.98162 BGN to 0.98054 BGN;
- The value of a share of the UPF „DallBogg: Life and Health“ for 23.05.2022 is changed from 0.94316 BGN to 0.94308 BGN;
- The value of a share of the VPF „DallBogg: Life and Health“ for 23.05.2022 is changed from 0.89068 BGN to 0.88803 BGN.