24 Oct The expert’s view: increasing contributions and tax relief will achieve real pension reform
- Angel Terziev has a master’s degree in social and insurance law. He is a certified, qualified actuary since 2007. A proven and established professional with more than 25 years of experience in pensions and insurance.
- He holds pension assurance management certificates and has completed a number of courses with the American Agency for International Development and the European Academy of Actuaries. He has specialized in health insurance in the United States.
Recently, a PensionsEurope 2023 confederation forum was held in Sofia on the topic “Prospects and Opportunities for the CEE Pension Markets”. The issue of increasing contributions to supplementary compulsory pension insurance took centre stage.
Already last year, DallBogg analysts drew attention to the need to increase contributions. The contribution to the universal pension fund has not been adjusted for more than 15 years, which in itself is a paradox, and a contribution of 5% of insurance income is absolutely inadequate against the background of galloping inflation, especially in the last two years.
The full interview is available here in Bulgarian.