The occupational pension fund “DallBogg: Life and Health” achieved a return above the maximum set by the FSC

The occupational pension fund “DallBogg: Life and Health” achieved a return above the maximum set by the FSC

DallBogg: Life and Health’s Universal Pension Fund ranks ahead of all other universal pension funds int  he country

The Financial Supervision Commission published the data on the profitability achieved by the supplementary pension funds for the period 31.03.2022 – 29.03.2024.

For the first time the funds managed by “DallBogg: Life and Health” are included as the requirement is to have been active in the period of the yield announcement. The official FSC data is available here.

In a few words: the result is impressive. DallBogg OPF achieved a return that exceeded the maximum calculated for the 24-month period announced. The fund will set aside a reserve of 1% of the net assets under management.

DallBogg: Life and Health Universal Pension Fund did just as well, ranking ahead of all other universal funds in terms of returns achieved over the same period.

Insured persons in the OPF and UPF managed by DallBogg: Life and Health can enjoy their forward-looking choice of funds that bring them satisfaction and smiles. All those who wish to receive professional service and have their funds managed by a motivated team with extensive experience in the financial industry can contact the experts here.

*The charts above are based on data from the Financial Supervisory Commission and can be compared at, Insurance/ Statistics/ Statistics and Analysis/ 2024/ Supplementary Pension Fund Returns for the period 31.03.2022 to 29.03.2024 on an annual basis.

*The results shown are not linked to future performance and do not guarantee positive returns. For the DallBogg: Life and Health OPF, the funds deposited in the individual accounts are not guaranteed to be retained in full.