Author: DB

According to Article 21a, paragraph 6 of Ordinance No. 9 of 19.11.2003. on the method and procedure for the valuation of the assets and liabilities of the pension insurance company and the funds managed by it, the value of the net assets of the funds, the calculation and announcement of the value of a share, the calculation and comparison of the yield on investment properties and the requirements for the maintenance of individual accounts and analytical accounts in a deferred payment fund, due to an error in determining the value of a share for 23.05.2022, the following corrections are made for the day of the error:

  • The value of a share of the OPF „DallBogg Life and Health“ for 23.05.2022 is changed from 0.98162 BGN to 0.98054 BGN;
  • The value of a share of the UPF „DallBogg: Life and Health“ for 23.05.2022 is changed from 0.94316 BGN to 0.94308 BGN;
  • The value of a share of the VPF „DallBogg: Life and Health“ for 23.05.2022 is changed from 0.89068 BGN to 0.88803 BGN.

The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) announced the final results of the change of participation and transfer of funds of insured persons from one to another respective pension fund for the fourth quarter of 2021.

In this quarter, Pension Assurance Company „DallBogg: Life and Health“ participated in the procedure for changing partnership through its newly established funds – Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ and Occupational Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“.

As a result of the tireless and vocational work of our employees and insurance intermediaries, the first insured persons wishing to become members of our pension funds are now a fact.

Comparing the net results of all pension insurance funds in the country, the data shows that in Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ and Occupational Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ reported the highest average net amount of transferred resources to the individual accounts of the insured persons – BGN 7 876 in the Universal and BGN 8 972 in the Occupational Pension Fund.

You can get acquainted with the results of the completed procedure for changing the participation by the FSC here.

On the 15th of February, 2022, the first procedure for changing the participation and transfer of resources of insured people from the pension funds managed by other pension assurance companies to the funds managed by Pension Assurance Company DallBogg: Life and Health EAD was completed.

Insured persons who exercised their right and applied for a change of participation in the last quarter of 2021 are now members of Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ and Occupational Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“.

You can learn more about the Company, the funds it manages, the opportunities to become our members, as well as the pension system in Bulgaria here.

On the 1st of February, 2022, the first meetings of the established Boards of Trustees for Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ and Occupational Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ were held.

Their purpose is to represent and protect the interests of the insured people and the pensioners in the supplementary compulsory pension insurance funds and in the funds for initiation of payments.

The Boards include representatives of the nationally represented organizations of employees and employers, as well as a representative of Pension Assurance Company DallBogg: Life and Health.

More information about the members of the Board of Trustees for Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ can be found here, and for the members of the Board of Trustees for Occupational Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ here.

In January 2022, the first employer contributions were received under contracts concluded between Pension Assurance Company DallBogg: Life and Health and employers who wished to make contributions as benefits to their employees.

The funds received in the individual accounts could be used for additional pensions, for one-off or deferred payment, in cases specified in the Social Security Code, in the Rules for the organization and activity of Voluntary Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ and in the signed contract.

At the end of the month, the first contributions to Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ were received. They belong to people for whom the obligation to get insured in a universal fund has arisen for a first time and who wish to entrust their first insurance contributions to the Universal Pension Fund, managed by Pension Assurance Company DallBogg: Life and Health.

The received contributions of the new members are reflected in their first personal individual accounts.

Contributions to Voluntary Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ and Universal Pension Fund „DallBogg: Life and Health“ led to the calculation of the first values of the shares.

On 26.10.2021, with Decision № 787 – Uiversal Pension Fund, Decision № 788 – Professional Pension Fund and Decision № 789 – Voluntary Pension Fund, the Financial Supervision Commission issued a permit to Pension Company DallBogg: Life and Health Jsc to manage the Universal Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health”, Professional Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health” and Voluntary Pension Fund “DallBogg: Life and Health”.

We are pleased to inform you that by issuing these decisions, the Supervisory Authority certifies that our Company and the funds managed by it meet all regulatory requirements for the activity of pension insurance in Bulgaria.

The newest Pension Insurance Company DallBogg: Life and Health Jsc welcomes everyone who wishes to become part of our family!